Saturday, June 18, 2011

My CKC Haul and an Award

Morning everyone!

I wanted to share my CKC haul with you all.
I had a blast at my first convention. I saw lots of great products...tons of super cute papers and got some great ideas.

I did stick to a budget so that was great and of course picked up some great things

I got this whole set of Fiskar cutting templets and the cutting blade with mat. I was impressed with the demo on these products and I am a huge fan of Fiskar products anyways :)

A few of the papers and paper packs I found. I just LOVE this Monsterville paper by Sei and the Too the Moon line from Fancy Pants.

Lastly I found some 8x8 albums which I do plan on using :) as well as a new favorite embellishment of mine~The Candi's. These are so much fun to use! I also picked up some brads and eyelets from the Eyelet Outlet. They have these quicklets which are eyelets you can set with a cool is that?!?! Lastly I have been searching high and low for seam binding and I wasn't ready to by some online...but I found it here! I bought 10 yards and plan on making some of my own crinkle ribbon with it. I will let you all know how that goes when I do it.

Lastly I want to share an award I received from 2 very talented crafters!

I received this award from Mary over at Crazy MaryNSC and Deborah at Love My Paper. Thanks so much Ladies! Please make sure you head over to their blog and share some love. They both share such wonderful projects!

Here are the rules for this award..
1.Send a thank you to the person who nominated you and include their link.

2. To accept this award, I had to answer 7 random facts about me.

3. Pass the award on to at least 8 other awesome blog buddies.

So here are my 7 random facts about me -
1. My family comes first in everything I do!
2.I just started paper crafting in November and blogging in January
3. I love to shop! :)
4.I have some of the best friends...I am truly blessed with having them in my life
5.I own chickens~14 to be exact...13 girls (the girls as we call them and a beautiful Rooster)
6. I love True Blood on HBO and can't wait for it to start again~~June 26th!
7. I set a crafting goal in January to craft everyday and I have....halfway through and LOVING every minute
I am passing this award on to:
These are all wonderfully creative crafters and if you don't already visit their blogs you really should take a will not be disappointed.


  1. Looks like you had a great time and found some goodies to play with! Congrats on the Award:)

  2. Wow! What goodies? I am so envious - they don't do anything close to me
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Thank you sweet, sweet Jessica, what an appropriate award for you. Thanks for thinking of me to pass it on to.
    Now I need some pointers for CKC if you get a minute. I'll be going in August and it will be my first time too.

  4. Oh gosh.. you scored lots of goodies!! How fun!! I don't have any of those "Candies" yet... but have heard wonderful things!! Love it all!!

  5. Wow! I love seeing what other people buy. I then want to go look for some goodies myself. There is going to be another Scrapbook Expo in the fall in S. Florida, but I am not sure if I am going yet. Depends on my school schedule. Congratulations on your award. I can't believe you started started this year. Amazing! And 13 chickens and a rooster? Were you in FFA? My daughter loves Ag. Thank you for thinking of me!


    I am so honored that you would share your award with me (and that makes me so hungry) thank you so much

  7. Great haul!!! You got some nice stuff there. I'm gonna have to hunt for that paper!! :)

  8. Wow, looks like you hit a jackpot -- all those goodies!!!

    Congrats on your award!!!

  9. It looks like you had a fabulous time and really found some great stuff!:)

  10. Awesome haul Jessica!!! Congrats on getting so much on a budget and congrats on your Award!
    Thanks for your kind words at my blog!

  11. Congratulations Jessica on your award!!! You are very deserving of this award and I am honored that you passed it to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of me!!
    Sherrie K

  12. Jessica,
    Finally have the computer up and running so I am trying to catch up on everything. You did some amazing projects.
    Thank you for the award.
