
Friday, October 28, 2011

I am Holding the Purple Torch for Amber Inklings!! and a Giveaway Announcement

Morning everyone!
I have some awesome news to share

I will be carrying the Purple Torch for the next month over at Amber Inklings!!
I will be running and creating and sharing with an awesome group!

What is Amber Ink and Where did I get this torch you ask?
Well the very talented Esther over at For the Joy of Creating was last month's Purple torch bearer and she so kindly is passing it on to me so I can carry and create this month using Amber Ink's beautiful line of digi stamps, ipaper and clear stamps.
So before I go on please hop over to Esther's to see all her amazing will not be disappointed!!

Want to know who is carrying the other torches?

I will be joined by these other very talented ladies who have also been handed the torch:

PINK:  Meredith Winston @
 BRONZE: Kirsi Kirjavainen aka @
BLUE:  Leigh Penner @
 ORANGE: Debra Miller @
Thank you so much Esther for entrusting me with the Purple Torch
and be on the lookout for my first project on Monday featuring
Now for the giveaway announcement...
My blogging buddy Beckie over at Just B Creative Crazy
is doing a 125 follower giveaway
She is currently at 80 followers so please please please head over and give her
some love
Hey you never know you might be the lucky winner of her blog candy!!


  1. Whoo HOO! Great catch Jessica! We LOVE purple and can't wait to see what treats are ahead. So excited!!!!

  2. Way to go Jessica~ Congrats!
    Can't wait to see what you have instored for all of us to see......

  3. Congrats! I can't wait to see what you make :)

  4. This going to be fun! What a great team - can't wait!

  5. Looking forward to even more of your crafty goodness. You will do an awesome job for AI (which I have never heard of) so thanks for telling me about another new site to try out.

  6. Congrats! So glad you are carrying the purple torch, I know you will do great!!

  7. Congratulations Jessica!! How wonderfully awesome!!! :)

  8. Super cyber hugs!!! Where's your blikie? I wanted to add it to my blog.

    Be Blessed, Beckie
