
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Birthday to You!

Good Morning everyone!
I know I have been missing for a few days....There is good reason for my absence. I was camping with my son's 5th grade for 3 days. Yes all 83 kiddo's in his class went on an AMAZING camping trip and I was so honored to be a part of it!
BUT I am back and ready to get back in the swing of posting, crafting and VISITING all of your blogs again...So please bear with me as I attempt to play catchup :)
It is my DT day over on the Trendy Twine Blog, and 
this month the Trendy Twine DT is spotlighting the Celebration Trendy Twine
Here is my sneak.... 
please head over to the Trendy Twine Blog to see my full project, 
I would really appreciate it :)
Supplies Used:
Paper~ White, Black, Queen & Co
Stamps~Peachy Keen Stamps~June SOTM
Dies~ My Creative Time
EmbellishmentsTrendy Twine Celebration

Don't forget the special this month on the Celebration Twine spool and Celebration Mini Set!
New to Trendy Twine??? Check out the other places where we share our projects .....
Trendy Twine Blog~ HERE
and the
Trendy Twine Facebook page~ HERE
Don't forget to visit the 
 new and improved, packed with tons of product
 Store HERE

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a GREAT Tuesday!


  1. I left you some love on the TTB, and EEK my goodness is it the cutest card! You always have everything to match perfectly. How do you do that?

    Your trip sounds fun! Awesome girl!

  2. Such an adorable card, Jess. Great job coloring and those balloons are super cute, too.

    Lesley @ Annie's Paper Boutique & Trendy Twine

  3. Saw this on FB this morning...SUPER cute! Love those fun balloons and twine strings.

  4. This is so cute! Love how well your papers match the twine!

  5. What a darling birthday card! I love the twine for the string--it makes balloons so much more fabulous when you use real string! I'm going to use my gorgeous Trendy Twine for that next time I have a balloon image!! It's so GREAT! Happy Birthday to Parker!!! Wishing you all a most wonderful and blessed day my friend!!!

  6. Your camping trip sounds so awesome (and exhausting with so many kids!!) How fun that you got to be a part of it!! Awesome sneak...I'm headed over to see your fabulous card!! Have a great day my friend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Adorable sneak peek my friend!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  8. Glad you had a fabulous time camping - 83 kids wow! Wonderful bright, fun card! TFS

  9. Super cute card Ms Jessica! I love the PK clown and fun twine! Great card!

    So glad you had a wonderful time with your sons class! How fun! The pictures looked awesome that you shared on FB! He will never forget that trip! My kids loved it when my hubby and I would attend their field trips!
    Have a great evening!
    Sherrie K

  10. Adorable!! I hope you son had a fabulous birthday :)

  11. This looks like it is going to be cute I am heading over there now. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

  12. Oh my gosh! You are a brave, brave women to go camping with all those kids. I have only done it with the girl scouts (and my family of course) wow!

    I am going over to see your project and to try not to buy anything...sigh...

    Chriss (Louie's Mom)

  13. Oh Jessica! I ended up buying the celebration twine and a Hello Kitty stamp! Darn! If my husband complains I am going to tell him it is your fault!

  14. Hi Jessica I went to TT to look at your card boy it sure is cute. I love the background papers, the new twine and that PK clown is just too cute!!

  15. Awe what a blessing that was to be able to spend time with your son and his entire class. That would be so much fun! My daughter's class doesn't do anything like that unfortunately, she is the same grade as your son. Too bad more schools don't do these things :( Your project is fantastic by the way!! You always create such amazing things!! LOVE IT!

  16. Hope your son had a fabulous birthday and I am sure he loved his card! The image is just adorable and I love the background! Super fun!

  17. This is just too cute. I know I greeted your son a Happy Birthday but I hope he had an awesome celebration. Especially since ya'll got those cute little baby chicks.
