
Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Friday Announcements :)

Morning Bloggers!!
I just wanted to pop in with a few announcements and reminders...
I am so excited to be the Featured Artist over at
I would LOVE it if you popped over there and left me some LOVE :)
It is my Halloween Treat Bags that are being shared~
You can see my original post HERE

There is a new 
Be Inspired Challenge 
up over at The Alley Way Stamps
I will be sharing my card for this next week but you should check out what the DT
has made....SUPER adorable
Here are the Rules to play along....
1) You MUST use an image from The Alley Way Stamps (you can find freebies here!)
Projects with non-TAWS images will be deleted.
2) You must mention this challenge and link to it in your blog post. If you link from a gallery, please paste the challenge addy into the description of your pic.
3) - The challenge linky closes on 25th of October 2012 at Noon, TAWS time (Mtn)!!!

There is still some time to jump in on the Challenge over at Creative Inspirations Paint
This week's challenge is...
Inspired By: Black and Orange
Check out all the details HERE
Remember you DO NOT need to use CI Paints in your project
(but if you have them we would LOVE to see you use them!!)

And Finally~
There is still time to play along in the 
3 Girl Jam Anything Goes Challenge~

3 Girl JAM Challenges

All the details are HERE

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a GREAT Friday!!


  1. YAY. Congrats. I loved those bags.

    Be blessed, Beckie

  2. Congrats Jessicaon being showcased over at Kraft Journal!!
    Have a great weekend my friend

  3. Yiippeee!!!!!Congrats to you!!
    Enjoy your weekend,

  4. Congrats on being featured at the Kraft Journal!! I'm headed there to leave you some bloggy love!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Congrats Jessica!!!! Now that is a whole mouth full of announcements! I will head on over and kleave some love but just wanted to say have a GREAT weekend!!!

  6. Congratulations! Your creations are always top notch and I just love them my friend. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Congratulations so happy for you so well deserved.

  8. woot woot! Left you some bloggie love:)

  9. really great news. I also want to tell you I forgot to be a follower now I have took care of that. happy for you. hugs

  10. Congratulations, Jessica! You are the winner of the Freckled Fawn giveaway at! Please contact me within 48 hours to claim your prize!
