
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CropStop: Challenge #2-Add Some Stickles

So this is the card that I am sending over for CropStop: Challenge Add some Stickles. This is my first time using stickles..
so much fun :)
I wanted to make this kitty for some time now so here it is. And she is stickles up on her collar, pillow and tiera.
She was cut at 3 1/2 and the X0's were cut at 1. Both from the Paisley cartridge.
Hope you like this

Also entered this at My Sheri Crafts Challenge #40-Blings


  1. Wonderful card! Love the pink and black. That cartridge is awesome. Thanks for playing along on our CropStop Challenge Blog!

  2. FABULOUS! I LOVE IT! Thanks so much for sharing with us this week!

  3. omg... your first time using them?!?!?! did you love them or what?!?!? I am thinking that you placed them in the right place, 'cause this is CUTE!!!!

    Thanks for playing with us at CropStop and I hope to see you play with us this week! Challenge coming up tomorrow!

    -- dalis
    CropStop DT

  4. That cat is so cute I can't stand it! Love it! Thanks for sharing with us at CropStop this week.

  5. I love this card; I'm partial to kitties, but this is just adorable with the pink, black and white colors. Great job, Jessica!!
